Jan 15·edited Jan 15Liked by Dave Anderson

Thank you for the article. Very detailed and very helpful.

I have a question for you. I see a lot of developers asking the same question too online and it would be very helpful for all of us, if you could answer this.

To display customer obsession, does the customer have to be end user or could it be internal teams using our services too? As software engineer 1/2, we don't get much involvement with end user to know/solve their pain points.

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Oh, internal teams can absolutely be your customers. In fact, that's a way that people commonly stumble, mistakenly not treating their internal partners as customers.

Inside of Amazon, I'd say 80% of teams don't have "external" customers as their primary customer. While the final customer experience is certainly important, all their actions are related to their internal customers. So yes, those stories would be relevant and great to refer to.

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